Installing Affiliatable WordPress Plugin

How to install Affiliatable WordPress Plugin on your website
Written by Matt
Updated 3 years ago

Step 1: Download the official Affiliatable WordPress plugin from your dashboard.

Step 2: Login to your website and go to Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin.

Step 3: Upload the plugin zip file and click Install Now button.

Step 4: After installing the plugin, click on Activate Plugin button.

Step 5: Head over to the Affiliatable plugin and you will be asked to enter the API key

Step 6: Now, go to your Affiliatable account > Websites and copy the respective website's API key by clicking the Copy Key button. 

Step 7: Go back to your Website and paste the API key and click Connect button

Step 8: Right after clicking the Connect button, you will see the list of tables and boxes that you created for this website. If you don't see anything, just click the Sync button.

Step 9: Now, just copy the Shortcode and add it to your post and publish it. 

Step 10:  Later, if you make any changes to the tables or boxes like adding or removing the products, just Save it and hit the Sync button once. It will automatically update the tables and boxes in your post. 

The shortcode function works with default WordPress editor, classic editor plugin and any page builders like Elementor, Oxygen etc. If you encounter any issues, please contact us. 

Existing Users:

If you use the WordPress plugin, you don't need to keep the base code in your header section. You can simply remove it as our WordPress plugin will take of that.

Video Tutorial

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