Connect Amazon PA API With Affiliatable

How to connect your Amazon PA API with your Affiliatable account.
Written by Matt
Updated 1 year ago

API stands for Application Programming Interface, and we use it to connect with Amazon to fetch the product details. It's pretty easy to use and free to sign up. Without a working API key that you generate from your Amazon account, Affiliatable cannot connect to Amazon’s servers.

Click here to see how to create and publish Amazon PA PAI from your Amazon affiliate account.

Step 1: Log in to your Affiliatable account > Websites > click on the +Add button

Step 2: Select the store, and then paste the tracking ID, API key and API secret

Important: You can't see your Secret key again. So save the downloaded file. If you lose it, you can create a new one, but there’s a maximum limit of 2 active pairs of credentials per account.

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